Colleges and Universities

Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center

On-site college representatives are based at the Higher Education Center. They provide career coaching, advising, and financial aid information as well as liaison support between faculty, students, and Higher Ed staff. While the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center does not offer a Financial Aid office, our partner institutions can help. Please contact your college or university site director for assistance, check with their financial aid office, or visit their individual website for more information. Completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is usually required.

Appalachian College of Pharmacy logo
Emory & Henry College
King University logo
Radford University logo
UVA Wise logo
VCU College of Health Professions logo

Josh Williams
Clinical Lab Sciences Director

College of Health Professions

Virginia Tech logo
Two smiling Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center students sitting inside a bright room with large windows, holding textbooks.


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